photo basel: last call for applications, 10 days left to apply.
photo basel, Switzerland’s first international art fair solely dedicated to photography, reminds that the application is open until January 31st, 2016. Galleries, please
send us an email to application@photo-basel.com in order to receive your application-kit. Deadline is January 31st 2016.
Recently photo basel and the new Artistic Director Béatrice Andrieux announced its Selection Committee for the second show which takes place again
during Art Basel week from June 15th - 19th, 2016.
This year’s Artistic Director and Selection Committee:
Béatrice Andrieux - Artistic Director photo basel
Marco Costantini – Curator Mudac, Switzerland
Tatyana Franck – Director Musée de l’Elysée, Switzerland
Thomas Koerfer – Collector, Switzerland
Roger Szmulewicz – Director Fifty One Gallery, Belgium
Suzanne Tarasieve – Director Suzanne Tarasieve Gallery, France
photo basel's second edition takes place at Volkshaus Basel, a compound smoothly renovated by acclaimed Swiss architects and Pritzker
Prize winners, Herzog & de Meuron. Volkshaus Basel is located less than 700 meters away from Art Basel fairground, making
photo basel the closest art fair to Art Basel.
And all of this during the most crisp time of the art world calendar, being during Art Basel week.
In addition, photo basel will boast a careful selected program consisting of artist talks, special exhibitions and various
cooperations with institutions.
best regards from Basel,
Sven Eisenhut and Samuel Riggenbach
your Directors