photo basel.
photo basel is Switzerland's first art fair solely dedicated to photography. photo basel will take place at
ackermannshof in basel during the art basel week, from june 17 - 20, 2015.
we are thrilled to inform you that we will accept applications from now on. Please send us an e-mail to application@photo-basel.com
and you will recieve our 17 pages application form asap.
we will be in paris and happy to meet you! write us an e-mail for appointments to sven@photo-basel.com or samuel@photo-basel.com
we proudly announce the go-live of our website. visit us on www.photo-basel.com.
follow us on facebook and be updated with the latest news.
As we all know, great ideas are like great work of art - the chance to be copied is high. The concept of photo basel is 100% developped by ourself and is copyright-protected
since January 2014. If you heard from similar or same concepts, please be aware that this has nothing to do with photo basel. For further information please contact pr@photo-basel.com